Robotic Arm Electrical Interface

1 Base electrical interface

1.1 Introduction to the base

​ A,Figure 1-1 shows the front ports and buttons on the base:


​ Figure 1-1 Front view of the base

​ B, Figure 1-2 shows the ports on the left of the base:


​ Figure 1-2 Left view of the base

​ C, Figure 1-3 shows ports on the right of the base:


​ Figure 1-3 Right view of the base

1.2 Description of the bottom electrical interface

Note: Function interface group is 2.54mm Dupont interface, external can use 2.54mm Dupont wire.

​ A. Table 1-1shows the definition of each interface in a functional interface group 1.

Tag Signal Function Note
18 G18 - Temporarily not open
19 G19 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
23 G23 - Temporarily not open
22 G22 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
21 G21 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G GND Motherboard power signal ground
3V3 3V3 DC3.3 V power supply
5V 5V Power supply, DC5V

​ Table 1-1 Functional interface group 1

​ B. The definitions of interfaces in functional interface group 2 are the same as those in functional interface group 3, as shown in Table 1-2.

Tag Signal Function Note
3 G3 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input This parameter is unavailable when usB-Type-c is used
1 G1 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input This parameter is unavailable when usB-Type-c is used
16 G16 - Temporarily not open
17 G17 - Temporarily not open
2 G2 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
5 G5 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
25 G25 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
26 G26 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
35 G35 3.3 V-int input
34 G34 3.3 V-int input
RST RST Master reset
BAT BAT - Temporarily not open
3V3 3V3 DC3.3 V power supply
5V 5V Power supply, DC5V
G GND Motherboard power signal ground

​ Table 1-2 Functional interface groups 2 and 3

Description: Figure 1-5 shows other functions of the interface. If other functions are used, the I/O function is unavailable.


​ Figure 1-4

​ C. Power DC interface: The myPalletizer is powered by a 6.5mm od, 2.0mm OD, and a manufacturer's 8.4V 5A DC power adapter

​ D. Grove interface: Figure 1-5, Figure 1-6, and Figure 1-7 show the Grove interface definitions


​ 图1-5 Grove port 1


​ 图1-6 Grove pin port 2


​ 图1-7 Grove port 3

​ E. type C interface: used to communicate with the PC. G1 and G3 ports are occupied when this interface is used.

​ F. Reset button: used when the main control system is reset

​ G. Buttons A, B, and C: Cooperate with the display

​ H. Display: The 2-inch IPS screen can be used to display mycobot communication status and adjust robot origin with buttons.

2 Mechanical arm end electrical interface

2.1 The end of the manipulator is introduced

​ A. Figure 2-1 show the side interfaces at the end of the manipulator.


​ Figure 2-1 End of the manipulator

2.2 Description of terminal electrical ports

​ A. Table 2-1 shows the definition of each interface in a function interface group 4.

Tag name Signal name Function Note
5V0 5V Power supply, DC5V
GND GND Motherboard power signal ground
3V3 3V3 DC3.3 V power supply
G22 G22 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G19 G19 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G23 G23 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G33 G33 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input

​ Table 2-1 Functional port group 4

​ B. Type C interface: used to communicate with PC and update firmware.

​ C. Grove interface 4: Figure 2-2 shows the definition of Grove interface 4


​ Figure 2-2 Grove port 4

​ D. Steering gear interface: used for expanding the end of the gripper, currently supporting the use of adaptive gripper.

​ E. Atom: For 5X5 RGB LED (G27) display and button function (G39)

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